
ayabie Disbands

08/08/2010 2010-08-08 16:07:00 JaME Source: DNL Official Website Author: andi & Andrea Translator: Andrea

ayabie Disbands

As Ayabie disbands, the vocalist Aoi goes solo and the remaining members will go on to form a new band

© Cure
Following vocalist Aoi's announcement that he was to start a solo project, it has been announced that ayabie will disband.

The other members of the band have stated that they do not wish to continue as ayabie, as they no longer see themselves as the same band, but will be continuing as a different band, without Aoi, under the name DNL. Further details can be found on their official site.

Aoi stated on his blog that he apologizes for the worry and inconvenience this has caused, and as soon as new information becomes available, he will let everyone know.

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