Live Report Press Release

ONE N' ONLY "ONE N’ SWAG 〜All out〜" at PACIFICO Yokohama National Convention Hall

29/05/2024 2024-05-29 02:00:00 JaME Author: Motoko Shimizu

ONE N' ONLY "ONE N’ SWAG 〜All out〜" at PACIFICO Yokohama National Convention Hall

Boy group ONE N' ONLY encouraged fans to dream big with the final date of their five-month-long tour "Hook Up!!!!!!", which spanned all 47 prefectures of Japan.

© Kenichi Sasamori, Shigeo Kosaka, Tomohiro Kusama
The growing popularity of Japanese pop group ONE N’ ONLY was on full display at their sold-out show at PACIFICO Yokohama National Convention Hall on April 27th. It served as the finale to the six-member group’s first tour of all 47 prefectures in Japan, titled ONE N’ SWAG ~ Hook Up!!!!!! ~, and came as the unit has been gaining traction both in its home country and abroad, even becoming the most followed Japanese male artist on TikTok, with over 5.8 million followers. The theatrical jaunt across Japan allowed them a chance to connect with their fans, nicknamed SWAGs, and affirm that their ambitions were only growing larger.

The show opened with videos of silver spheres bobbing around while balloons changed their shape and moved in sync with one another, eventually floating over the 5000 buzzing SWAGs. The six members of the group appeared on the stage in front of the buzzing SWAGs, with flames erupting in the background, as member TETTA’s powerful voice announced the performance of a new song, Fight or Die. The six members wore wild fur outfits while performing, making for a memorable debut for the tune. Their soaring vocals intermingled with biting raps, and their physical movements resembled a march, full of determination.

The energy kept up as they ripped into I’M SWAG, ONE N’ ONLY’s debut number. Leader HAYATO ramped up the audience by saying “OK, hands up!”, and SWAGs raised their penlights, filling the venue with a white glow — white being the group’s signature color. The next song, Shut Up! BREAKER, brought an emotional performance where the group expressed their determination through their singing and physical presence. HAYATO even said, “We’re going to give you everything we’ve got!” He laughed and declared, “I want to go ‘all out’ at PACIFICO and today’s live broadcast.” Member KENSHIN asked the audience, “Are you ready to go crazy SWAGs?” They then moved on to Category, wreathed in smoke while sparklers rained down from the steel structure on stage. HAYATO shouted, “Let’s keep it going!” and swung into the next song, YOUNG BLOOD. Lasers moved across the stage, and the group danced alongside them. Next was a heated performance of Lalalala. Finally, in a change of pace, the group moved into Beautiful, a pop tune with a sweetness that invited happy screams from the SWAGs in the audience.

The thrills kept coming. SWAGs shouted in glee as images of the six members waking up in the morning, changing out of pajamas, showering, and getting ready for the day appeared on the large monitors flanking the stage. Then, matching up with what was shown on screen, the six members appeared on stage in black suits and ties. Cue a segment highlighting their sex appeal, kicking off with the song QUEEN.

ONE N’ ONLY upped the bawdiness on the following song, What’s Your Favorite? The audience stared transfixed as the members straddled chairs with their legs raised, throwing their neckties in the air. The audience screamed as TETTA’s high note led into DEJAVU, during which he took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his muscular upper body to the camera as he tangled with a cloth that had swung down from the ceiling. The vocals by TETTA, REI, and EIKU interlocked together, while KENSHIN, standing in the center, raised his right hand at the end of the song, prompting a cloth to fall down and the image of the the members, all smiles, lying on a bed again, brought the fantasy to an end.

Just as the audience caught their breath, it was time for a pivot. Special twister-shaped laser beams, rare to be used simultaneously, swirled around and traced arcs of light in the air. HAYATO, KENSHIN, and NAOYA, the rappers of the group, took to the stage dressed in Japanese patterns and Latin-inspired jackets with silver foil-stamped jeans. The track ALL OUT, which was created specially for this event, allowed each rapper in the group to show off their skills with expressive, machine-gun-style flows. As “ALL OUT!” was echoed by the audience, EIKU, sitting on the stage in the back, said “Hello SWAGs,” and then the vocal members joined in to start the next song, Turn It Up. The Japanese flavor of the hip-hop tune boasting a heavy bass line had the audience swaying to the beat.

Then, KENSHIN introduced the next Latin-inspired song, Set a Fire, by telling the audience, “Let’s get loud again!.” The scene instantly changed from Japan to South America, where the group has attracted a strong following after touring three cities in Brazil last spring. Nodding to this, the group’s musical style recently evolved into something they call “Jatin Pop,” a combination of Japanese and Latin pop that offers a unique sonic blend for listeners.

SWAGs lit up at Set a Fire, wowed by the Portuguese and English raps within, before ONE N’ ONLY started a medley of songs boasting a rich Latin flavor such as L.O.C.A. and LA DI DA, which then turned into a midsummer blowout with Sexy Beach Party Yes!!. These numbers also represented the group’s own history of linking Japan with the world. Following this, they performed the newly released song DOMINO, a Brazilian funk song showing the group’s continued sonic curiosity. The six members stood in a line like actual dominoes, engulfed by the smoke created by sparklers and flames. They closed out the medley with a new song, ALL OUT.

After, ONE N’ ONLY took a breather to talk with the audience, with member TETTA being particularly amped that evening as he hails from the Yokohama area. “Everyone, I’m home,” he shouted. He carried that energy over to next song, Video Chat, starting with a mock phone call going “Mom and dad, thank you for giving me life!” Savoring the moment, TETTA shouted, "I’m performing at Pacifico Yokohama!". He then performed a dance that has become well-known on TikTok, with the audience joining in. In the middle of the performance, the screen showed the faces of the group's members with dog and rabbit filters over their faces. The contrast between their earlier sexy performance and this cute, refreshing one was striking, and it showed their impressive range. The group also performed Freaking Happy, as well as Nice Guy, which was performed for the first time on this tour.

Then, the members surprised SWAGs by jumping out into the audience as they performed Holiday. KENSHIN led the audience in a chant of “Minatomirai, Minatomirai, Akarenga! Red brick! Pacifico!,” calling out the famous landmarks found in the city. He finished the chant by telling the fans, “I’m sending this GIFT to you all!” and made his way around the audience with NAOYA as they began singing their next song GIFT. All six members carefully traced the melody of the song and waved to the SWAGs, embodying the lyrics of the chorus, “Beautiful time is ticking away for us. Returning to the stage in a warm atmosphere.” HAYATO confessed, “I love you, for real”. Then, they performed You Are acappella, with only the three vocalists against a starry sky backdrop. In the latter half of the song, all six members danced together to express their love and, finally, EIKU sang “Let’s be happier than anyone else in the world,” a phrase resonating with SWAGs.

Next up, HAYATO took off his jacket and muttered “Open,” in a low tone, while the distorted guitar sound of the intense rock tune OPEN roared. The audience chanted “One way!!!” and “No way!!!” to the hip-hop tune. Then, KENSHIN announced “This is the last song, let’s enjoy it to the fullest!” At that moment, they moved into EVOL, one of their strongest Latin tunes. The track was delivered passionately, and the wild dance beat was infused with tremendous energy from the voices of the SWAGs. Lasers generated primary-colored lights, and the six members repeatedly shouted “Evo evo evo!” with the SWAGs' “Hey!” creating a loud call-and-response. At the end, when everyone was on stage, HAYATO said, “SWAGs, please join us! ONE N’ ONLY is not something to watch passively, but something to participate in.”

The stage went dark, and a video of the tour from day one began to play, featuring live footage and backstage glances into the group's trek across Japan. The intro to Step Up followed, and ONE N’ ONLY started off an encore that saw the members scattered around the venue. “I know there’s difficult things in everyone’s life, so come back to our show anytime and we’ll cheer you up. We love you!” KENSHIN said, before darting throughout the venue to be closer to the fans. They all ended up on stage, with NAOYA asking, “SWAGs, do you like us?” to which a chorus of voices responded “Ee love you!” He continued, “But…we love you many times more than that!” and ended his sentence with a cute heart gesture.

The individual members of ONE N’ ONLY then took turns expressing their gratitude to the fans for the entire nation-spanning tour, getting emotional as they shared memories of all the places they had been and the love fans had offered them along the way. A feeling echoed by all members was how the experience had inspired the group to push even further, and to never give up on their dreams. To mark the tour coming to an end, ONE N’ ONLY then performed the song My Love, which served as a thank you message to all the SWAGs who had come out to make this possible. Those fans joined them in singing, creating an emotionally striking moment topped off by red and silver streamers shooting over the crowd.

Right before leaving the stage, however, ONE N’ ONLY reminded the SWAGs they weren’t done yet. REI encouraged the audience with one final push – “Let’s dream bigger!” As soon as the six members left the venue, an announcement appeared on the monitor. The audience cheered when they saw the announcement of their next tour, ONE N’ SWAG 2024 ¿Fiesta?. Even bigger than before, the next tour starts at Tokyo International Forum Hall in late September, before stops in Nagoya, Osaka and one final celebration at Tokyo Garden Theater early in 2025. It won’t be long before the world sees what step this rising group takes next.

Set list

01. Fight or Die
02. I’M SWAG
03. Shut Up! BREAKER
04. Category
06. Beautiful
08. What's Your Favorite?
10. Medley: ALL OUT, Turn it up, Set a Fire, L.O.C.A, LA DI DA, Sexy Beach Party Yes!!, DOMINO
11: Video Chat
12: Freaking Happy
13: Nice Guy
15: GIFT
16: You are
17: OPEN
18: Hook Up
19: EVOL


20. Step Up
21. Call me
22. My Love

The music video for ONE N' ONLY's April single DOMINO can be viewed below, followed by a dance performance video for Set a Fire. Scroll down for more photos from the PACIFICO Yokohama show.

 Download or stream "DOMINO"


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