
Jang Woo-hyuk's Fame Continues in China

06/02/2010 2010-02-06 13:55:00 JaME Source: E Daily Author: Gobbie

Jang Woo-hyuk's Fame Continues in China

Jang Woo-hyuk has returned in 2 years to receive a lot of love from China.

Jang Woo-hyuk, who has recently returned from 2 years of obligatory military service, made a come back stage in China.

On the 5th, the singer attended the Beijing Pop Music Awards 2010 for a special performance. He was given 5 minutes of stage time in which he performed songs including Sun That Never Sets from the 1st album.

Chinese news reported that the audience loved his performance. Other Chinese celebrities gave positive comments such as "If I had the choice of choosing the winner, I would choose Jang Woo-hyuk" and "The award means a lot more since I am receiving this from him."

The beloved singer will continue to gain China's attention as he plans to have a tour across the country some time early in the the year.

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