
Book Releases From An Cafe and Nightmare

05/05/2008 2008-05-05 12:00:00 JaME Source: Sony Magazines, CDJapan Author: Finja Translator: Lacy

Book Releases From An Cafe and Nightmare

An Cafe will release a photo book of their European tour. Nightmare will release their first history and artist book.

© JaME
An Cafe will release a photo book on June 27th. An Cafe Album in Europe will include pictures from the band's concerts and photo shoots. It will also come with a DVD featuring backstage footage.

On June 22nd, Nightmare will release their first history and artist book. It will be a two volume set, one including the band's history and the other featuring photos. The set will look back over the band's eight year history from the members' childhoods until the present with interviews and more. The photos included will feature some new shots as well as those from live performances, video shootings and more.

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