
Mana to Produce New Artist Kanon Wakeshima

26/03/2008 2008-03-26 12:00:00 JaME Source: Official Site, Mana's Blog Author: Geisha Translator: Lacy

Mana to Produce New Artist Kanon Wakeshima

Moi dix Mois' Mana has announced that he's producing a new artist. Kanon Wakeshima is a vocalist and classically trained cellist who has been playing cello since the age of three. Mana is responsible for the composition, programming and arrangement and Kanon writes the lyrics. Her debut single, still doll, will be released on DefSTAR Records (Sony) on May 28th. A music sample can be heard playing on the artist's official site and is featured as the ending theme of the anime series "Vampire Knight", which is scheduled to begin airing on Japanese TV in April.

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