
Upcoming Releases from PLC Members

05/09/2006 2006-09-05 12:00:00 JaME Source: Third Stage Author: J

Upcoming Releases from PLC Members

First off, seek will be releasing a compilation book of his columns in Shoxx. It's entitled Bonjin Suizokukan and features his columns from volumes 110-116. It will be released on November 1st for 1890 yen.

Next, Yura-sama and Makoto (DOREMIdan) will be releasing the second volume of their Alastar series on Yura-sama's birthday. (September 12th) Alastar no Theme 'Rin' will feature three tracks for 1000 yen.

Lastly, Lida and michi (ex MASCHERA) have formed a unit called michi with Mach LiDARZ. The unit features songs that are "energetic and romantic" and their first release will be a five track single entitled Paradise!. It will be released on September 13th for 2000 yen.