
Withering to death and Clever Sleazoid

15/09/2005 2005-09-15 12:00:00 JaME Source: Free will Author: Tanja Translator: deg_shohoku

Withering to death and Clever Sleazoid

Free will has announced that they will be releasing Dir en grey‘s recent album Withering to death at the end of October in France, Germany and the United States.

The album will not be the normal Japanese version but a specially modified version made especially for release outside of Japan. The non-Japan version will include full lyric translation in French, German and English, and a DVD bonus PV (PV depending on country release either “The Final”, “Saku” or “Kudou”) The price is planned to be less than 15 euros/dollars and the CD’s will be sold in regular CD stores as the new release is targeted towards new and future fans rather than existing Dir en grey fans.

Also the band’s CLEVER SLEAZOID PV will be broadcast on MTV (cable/satellite) on Wednesday 21st September.

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