
hibiki Quits Mardelas

16/04/2017 2017-04-16 15:51:00 JaME Source: OHP Author: Ruchesko

hibiki Quits Mardelas

Bassist to leave heavy metal band after three years.

© 2016 Mardelas
hibiki, bassist of heavy metal quartet Mardelas, has announced he is to leave the band.

He will depart after the band's one-man live at Omotesando GROUND on May 6th. At the same show, Mardelas will release the live-limited single Snake to Metamorphose.

hibiki has been involved with the band since its genesis as the solo project of vocalist Hebishii Marina. hibiki also currently plays in metal bands Silex, SABER TIGER and ALHAMBRA.

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