
Debut Album from Gekijo★METALicche

23/03/2015 2015-03-23 06:05:00 JaME Source: OHP Author: Ruchesko

Debut Album from Gekijo★METALicche

All-girl metal trio Gekijo★METALicche will release their debut album on May 13th.

© Gekijo★METALicche. All rights reserved.
All-girl metal trio Gekijo★METALicche will release their debut album on May 13th.

The band recently signed to King Records, and the as-yet untitled album will be the girls' major debut release. Nothing about the record's contents has been confirmed, but we do know Gekijo★METALicche will support the release with a short tour, playing gigs in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka.

The video for the band's recent single Mirai Antai can be watched below:


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