

02/09/2010 2010-09-02 21:45:00 JaME Author: anna


BOOM BOOM SATELLITES comes out with a best-of album before hitting the US for a nationwide tour.

Album CD



BOOM BOOM SATELLITES, consisting of Masayuki Nakano and Michiyuki Kawashima, is an electronic-rock band that has been producing innovative music for over a decade. Many of their songs have been used in films, video games and as anime theme songs, so it’s likely you’ve already heard their music without realizing it. Although their new album OVER AND OVER can be considered a best-of album, all of the tracks have been remixed and re-mastered for an entirely new listening experience. Of the seventeen tracks on the album, six have never been released before in America, so the album also serves as a primer for BBS’s upcoming US tour in October.

Kick It Out opens up the album with its high-energy sound. The punk guitars mix with the electronic dance beat to create a thumping rush of sound that is carried through the next few tracks. Michiyuki’s hollow-sounding, filtered voice places the emphasis on feeling the music rather than focusing on the lyrics. Things slow down a little with track six, Light My Fire. One of the most notable tracks on the album, Light My Fire has a psychedelic jazz vibe that you will find restful, even as it draws your attention with its hypnotic bass line and almost avant-garde vocals.

The eleventh track, On The Painted Desert, is as epically beautiful as the title makes it sound. The instrumental piece seems tailor made to be part of the soundtrack for a post-apocalyptic movie – or video game, as it was played during the end credits of Playstation video game “Ridge Racer V.” The slow, haunting synth melody in the beginning builds up into a dark undertow that takes you deep into a mysterious, decadent world. Have this song playing on your headphones while taking an evening stroll and you’ll instantly feel the chill of twilight.

After a few more sinister sounding tracks, Easy Action - which was included on the soundtrack for the anime film "Vexille" - revs the energy back up. The easy pounding beat sets up for the closer, Shut Up And Explode, with its relentless drumming and grinding refrain. It segues nicely right back to track one, which is perfect as you’ll probably have this CD on repeat.

With a mix of songs spanning six albums, OVER AND OVER serves as a great introduction to the band for those who have never heard of them, and it’s a collection of some signature BOOM BOOM SATELLITES tracks for their fans. The lyrics are all in English, although that’s really not a big deal: instead of paying attention to the words, you’ll most likely be too busy dancing. If this album is anything to go by, BBS is going to put on a show worth seeing during the US tour!

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