
LOVE - White choco

06/10/2010 2010-10-06 08:43:00 JaME Author: Jasy

LOVE - White choco

LOVE's second single.

Single CD + DVD

White choco (CD+DVD)


LOVE set out to conquer the world with LOVE no theme in April 2007, and she continued on with her November single White choco. The digital pop song of the same name came out in both CD-only and CD+DVD versions.

The first digital sounds are extremely fast, with playful, speedy sound effects and a dreamy tone. LOVE’s vocals are strongly filtered and so they seem more robotic than human, but that’s what the artist behind it wanted to create. The sugar-sweet synthesizer melodies attract a younger audience, and for this target group this wicked disco anthem is one with fun factor guarantee. Those whol can’t get enough of White choco can still listen to the instrumental counterpart, where the electric guitar and the Christmas bells can be clearly heard for the first time.

However, the fun ends after the DVD. The video shows a pastel coloured, fully automatic chocolate factory making numerous chocolate bunnies; these are sent around the world. The chocolate rabbits all stop in front of a big house, and then all of a sudden they start to melt and become one giant bunny. This one explodes, and the production process starts from the very beginning. The hand drawn video possesses charm and is just as sugar-sweet and wicked as the song itself. If you feel the 5 minutes of video are too short, you can watch the it in an endless loop, which will extend the playtime to 41 minutes.

LOVE’s White choco gets the hearts of all manga fans going. The single has a lot of charm, and with the CD+DVD version you’re getting another fine extra. Older listeners should enjoy this single with caution because it can be a little off-beat, but this single should be enjoyable to all open-minded people and fans of the genre.

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Single CD + DVD 2007-11-21 2007-11-21