
girugamesh NOW Interview

04/04/2010 2010-04-04 00:01:00 JaME Author: Meg & Kay

girugamesh NOW Interview

girugamesh discuss their new album NOW, their recent Japan tour, and some hopes for the future.

At the end of 2009, visual rock band girugamesh released their album NOW in Japan, also releasing it in the US and Europe early in 2010. They took some time to answer our questions about the new album and what they are up to now.

Thank you very much for accepting our interview. How are you currently doing?

ShuU: We just finished working on our new album NOW last year, and then we went straight into our tour of Japan. So we're in the middle of that right now.

You recently released your album NOW in Japan. Can you please tell us about the inspiration behind the album? Are there any themes you followed for the songs?

Яyo: The theme for this album is to have both our live-band and digital sounds emphasized equally.

How did the recording process go? Did you have an easy or a hard time creating the album?

Яyo: I thought I was going to die because there was hardly any time to sleep. But thanks to all that hard work, the album came out excellent!

What is the story behind the album covers? Why a little boy?

ShuU: The age of this boy is the same as the age of our band, girugamesh. If the band girugamesh were a person, he would be naughty like this boy. Also, we wanted a jacket image that wouldn't give you any clues about what kind of songs are on the album.

In January, the album was released in the USA as well. How do you feel about this and what sort of expectations do you have for it?

ShuU: We’re very glad. We hope it will become normal that our music is released all over the world every time it’s released in Japan. I see the reactions from the fans on websites like MySpace. I also see a lot of comments asking us to come back to America. I hope there will be more comments like that and that the fans will keep supporting us in the USA so we can go back.

We've prepared a question using the title of each track of the album:

1. now

Looking back on girugamesh in the beginning and girugamesh now, is there anything you'd tell your former selves?

Satoshi: Don’t make such scary faces!

2. bit crash

Яyo, with all of the electronic programming you do, have you ever had any complications? (i.e. lost data, etc.)

Яyo: I haven’t had any big complications yet. (Lucky!) I always back-up the data because it would be a huge problem if it’s lost.


What would you do if there was “NO MUSIC” in your daily life?

Nii: I think it would be so boring every day. I really wouldn't know what to do.


What part of the music process makes you feel the most alive?

ShuU: Of course, it’s during live shows. The reason I started a band was because I wanted to have live shows, not because I wanted to record music.

5. I think I can fly

If you could either be given the ability to fly or be invisible, which would you choose? Why?

Яyo: I’d choose the ability to fly. Then, I wouldn’t have to wait for traffic lights. And it sounds fun, too!


What is your most beastly habit?

Satoshi: Eat, sleep, eat, sleep.

7. nobody

What is something that only you, and no one else can do?

ShuU: I can sleep ANYWHERE. I mean it.

8. Suiren (water lily)

If you had to choose between taking ikebana (flower arrangement) classes and diving classes in a sea full of sharks, which would you choose?

Nii: I’m actually interested in ikebana, so I would choose that class.


Tell us a dirty story about another member of the band.

Satoshi: Яyo keeps saying he’ll stop smoking, but he hasn’t stopped.

10. GAME

Does the band have any particular games they enjoy playing together?

Nii: We all like different games, so there's nothing in particular that we all do the same. We all have different tastes.

11. driving time

What is the craziest experience that has happened on the road while touring?

Яyo: When we were driving in North Japan, there was a lot of snow. So… we ate it with syrup.

12. arrow

As girugamesh continues to change musically, if you were to describe your band as an arrow, what type of an arrow would it be? Would you be straight and on a path, or constantly curving and changing?

ShuU: We, girugamesh, act as an arrow for our fans. We move the listeners one step forward and lead them to the future. So the arrow is traveling extremely straight. This is what the title means.

Lastly, please leave a message for our readers.

Satoshi: I'll work extra hard so we can perform in America this year again.
Nii: We'll keep creating good music and good performances. Please support us.
ShuU: See you all again in America!
Яyo: I will work on my English. (Promise.)

Thank you very much for the interview!

Please support the artists!
girugamesh Official Website
girugamesh at JapanFiles Digital Music Store

JaME would like to thank girugamesh and for making this interview possible.

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