Live Report


08/06/2009 2009-06-08 00:01:00 JaME Author: SIAM Translator: Ruka


Live report of Megamasso's final show of their 2009 Spring tour, which was held in in Tokyo.

© Megamasso
Megamasso will be three years old this year, and their spring tour has taken them to nine different spots. April 4th was the last day of the tour, and they performed 22 songs, from the old favorites to the new song that came out in March.

With an SE of pop music starting out the night, the members appeared from behind the curtain: bassist Gou, guitarist Ryohei and vocalist Inzargi. As the fans exploded into applause, Inzargi yelled: “OVER THE GLITTER! Final! Put everything into it! Jump!”

The first song was Raiden mushufushu, during which the fans jumped and waved their hands left and right. “Akasaka, come and get it!” Inzargi yelled. Next was Sweet skin like a candy. Ryohei gave his performance in the middle of the stage, and Gou directed the fans in pumping their fists. During the following Sasukuwacchirankaa, the fans imitated Inzargi’s movements, and in Ame gakki tai the members did choreography across the stage from left to right.

Then Inzargi gave an MC. “I’m back, Tokyo! We went around to some different places, and we’ve now come back to Tokyo. I think you’ve been waiting for us, so we’re going to let it out even more!” They then broke into Fukan no tsubasa, Beautiful girl and Hadairo. Next was Yawarakai koushou, shinkai, followed by Mandrake usagi konagusuri, during which the fans were mesmerized, absorbed in listening to the beautiful melody and they erupted into wild applause when it ended. Next came White, white, followed by a completely different, severe number Junsui baiyou, during which the fans followed Inzargi’s choreography.

Inzargi gave another MC to get the crowd going: “You still have some energy left? Let’s go crazy, come and get it! Everybody jump!” During Toroone the fans waved their arms back and forth while Ryohei and Gou played at center stage. The members and fans headbanged together in SUPERNOVA, and for Viper, the fans threw themselves around and Ryohei demonstrated his speedy playing. Inzargi riled the crowd up further: “You can go harder, right? Go all out!”

For Kikaikajin Madison no tomodachi, two dancers appeared on stage, and Inzargi danced at center stage. The audience headbanged and moved across the floor from one side to the other, completely stirred up. In Shibou no katamari, Ryohei charmed the fans when he removed his jacket and showed them his sleeveless figure. Following, Inzargi announced the last song, “Here we go, last one!”

As LIPS started, a big colorful ball appeared on the stage and they kicked it across the floor as the fans waved their arms back and forth. As soon as the song ended, the members said their thanks to the audience and left the stage.

When the crowd cheered for an encore, the members returned onstage wearing their tour T-shirts. Inzargi addressed the crowd, saying, “During this tour, at all the places we went to, you really heated up these songs.” And with that, they performed the new song, BLESS, a ballad with a spring feel that came out in March.

After the song ended, Inzargi presented the plans for the lives of his solo project, which started in May. In Imomushi no nushi, the fans and members both shook their fists and did a call and response. Furarako was an impressive song, starting with Ryohei’s guitar intro. In Namida neko, Inzargi held out the mike for the fans’ responses. After calling out his thanks to the crowd, he, Ryohei and Gou extended their arms to the fans and left the stage.

The members appeared again for a second encore in response to calls for more. Inzargi dedicated the next song to the staff and the fans who helped make the tour possible as he introduced New Romancer. The fans pumped their fists as the stage lit up, and they went crazy during the song, reaching out toward the band when it ended. When the members yelled their thanks to the crowd, the fans echoed them.

Megamasso’s tour circuit has expanded, and from May they continued this tour as OVER THE GLITTER! #2. So keep your eye on Megamasso, who are going all out with their live activities in the year 2009.

Set list:

01. Raiden mushufushu
02. Sweet skin like a candy
03. Sasukuwacchiranka
04. Ame gakki tai
05. Fukan no tsubasa
06. Beautiful girl
07. Hadairo
08. Yawarakai koushou, shinkai
09. Mandrake usagi konagusuri
10. White, white
11. Junsui baiyou
12. Toroone
14. Viper
15. Kikaikajin Madison no tomodachi
16. Shibou no katamari
17. LIPS

Encore 1

02. Imomushi no nushi
03. Furarako
04. Namida neko

Encore 2

01. New Romancer


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