
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Korogaru iwa, kimi ni asa ga furu

22/09/2008 2008-09-22 12:00:00 JaME Author: Ruka

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Korogaru iwa, kimi ni asa ga furu

AKFG's mellow single Korogaru iwa, kimi ni asa ga furu boasts a killer title track but goes downhill from there.

Single CD

Korogaru iwa, kimi ni asa ga furu


Korogaru iwa... is ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's latest single to date. It was their first release of 2008 and was followed the very next month by an album, then a mini album in June. Soon to come will be another single and album in the fall, a promising sign that this 12 year old band which needs no introduction hasn't slowed down a bit. But aside from their impressive production rate, is the quality of the music still at the level we expect?

The single opens with the title track, Korogaru iwa, kimi ni asa ga furu, a guitar-centric light rock number. It really powers up in the chorus with Kiyoshi Ijichi's unusual drum beat and the vocals spiking up. Intriguingly, throughout the track is a bittersweet haunting sound despite a pace that's fairly brisk. Overall, it's very much what you'd expect from the group - a melodic hit with traces of angst but overall a very cool rock style. Masafumi Gotoh's vocals are, as usual, phenomenal and unique, giving the song its characteristic AFKG style. Still, this song is a little bluer than one might expect.

Enoshima Esukaa at first appears to be a comparatively fun number with wackier guitars and a more rebellious air. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse with its lackluster chorus. This isn't to say that it's not enjoyable or that it doesn't hook you, but this group is capable of more creative and exciting melody lines. Still, with Gotoh delivering, it becomes a song you could hear over and over without complaint.

Ultimately these two tracks are great songs, but they don't boast the best of AKFG. Neither is truly exhilarating or entertaining, though the title track offers striking melody lines and leaves a strong impression. The second track, which seems like it should be the fun and upbeat number, isn't as spectacular as we might have hoped. It might be a disappointing release for some - not as catchy, not as wild, not as fun as some of their previous songs. Since both numbers are fairly mellow, it might have been a poor decision to put them on a single together with no additional contrasting tracks. But it's a comfort just to hear Gotoh's singing and feel the group's effortlessly rebellious punk flair. And really, due to the high expectations for this band, even a mediocre release from the phenomenal ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is incredible, and this one certainly merits a buy thanks to its title track.

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