
AAA - Music!!!/ZERØ

06/09/2008 2008-09-06 12:00:00 JaME Author: Krzysztof "Setsuna" Figlerowicz Translator: neejee

AAA - Music!!!/ZERØ


Music!!!/ZERØ is the third AAA single released this year. At the end of summer, the band offered their fans a powerful injection of energy in the form of a disc with five rousing tracks.

When the first song, Music!!!, begins, it quickly makes it known that it is a song for the summer. And while some might feel it comes out too late in the year...nothing could be more wrong! Music!!! fills listeners with a ton of energy and allows them to forget about the end of holidays, making it the ultimate summer season party song. Throughout the whole song, the only moment of true summertime nostalgia is felt during the solo by Misako Uno. The pleasant melody, based on piano, makes this song really catchy. Music!!! is a recording which will stay with you for days just after the first listen, and you'll probably be singing along to it the whole time!

The second song considerably differs from the previous one, as once more AAA proves that they are not merely pop musicians. ZERØ constitutes an excellent connection between electronic music and rock. Because of the rousing guitar play and vocals, the listener receives another dose of energy from the whole group. This song, like Music!!!, enables you to forget about the ending holidays, but comes with the necessary strength to help you manage with school, work and the beginning of autumn.

An excellent addition is Crash. AAA fans certainly know that this composition was earlier released on the mini-album CHOICE IS YOURS. It was a really good idea to attach an extended version of this song instead of some remix. This version of Crash is quite unusual for AAA, and is characterized by a synth-rock sound. It is performed only by the boys, and because of that it gains extra power.

This single contains, of course, instrumental versions of the two title tracks. They act as an exceptionally good supplement for whole disc, because the listener gets the chance to put all the energy they feel from listening to the songs into singing them!

Music!!!/ZERØ is an amazing single that is suitable for any age. This is a perfect CD for last days of summer, because it includes songs which give strength for long time and make a day better.

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