Live Report

Anime Matsuri 2008 Presents Aural Vampire

10/06/2008 2008-06-10 12:00:00 JaME Author: Cynthia

Anime Matsuri 2008 Presents Aural Vampire

A live report of Aural Vampire's first performance in the USA at Anime Matsuri on Easter weekend in Houston, Texas.

© Aural Vampire / SkyPirate / Anime Matsuri
As the end of Saturday night drew near for Anime Matsuri 2008, the fans gathered together to enjoy a dance-like concert event featuring the darkwave, gothic band Aural Vampire. The stage was set with two large projectors toward the back and another two on either side of the stage. Those within the event hall didn't have to wait long before an intense opening sequence with wild animation appeared on the projector screens, introducing the band.

As the introduction music began, RAVEMAN took his spot behind his DJ set while EXO-CHIKA slowly and elegantly walked to the front of the stage carrying a lit candle, which enhanced the dark atmosphere of her entrance. When she reached the microphone, she blew out the candle and tossed it aside. She wore a stunning black outfit: a tight corset with a long black skirt along with a complimenting feather boa and long, black gloves. The audience cheered and as the techno beats of Innsmouth began, many raised their arms as they showed their excitement, welcoming the band. RAVEMAN moved to the front of his set, while EXO-CHIKA moved her hips and arms in tune with the beat as she sang in her high-pitched, yet alluring voice.

When the MC began, EXO-CHIKA did her best to speak English, but soon picked up a piece of paper which aided her in being able to interact more successfully with the audience. She was received with cheers, joyous laughs, smiles and positive responses; the audience showed their obvious enjoyment of the show thus far.

During Hot Blood Workout, EXO-CHIKA began with simply moving her hips. The projector then displayed people exercising and doing lunges, which she mimicked on stage. At first the audience laughed at the screen display, but once the vocalist began doing them, the crowd cheered and whistled. When it was time for her to sing again, she moved toward the microphone, dancing sexily, moving her arms and slender body.

Throughout the show, RAVEMAN kept to the side; he was quite eye-catching as he played with various objects and gadgets. There was a different item for every different song. Even though he didn't have a huge role in the stage performance, it was his music that the audience danced to. As the music continued and the songs were played, the show became more exciting as many people started dancing, moving their bodies along with the music. Some carried glow sticks, adding to the intoxicating ambiance along with the laser and stage lighting.

Halfway through the show, during Darkwave Surfer, EXO-CHIKA removed her skirt to reveal a very sexy lingerie outfit. When the skirt was removed, she was received with wild cheers, the audience showing their obvious appreciation of the new enticing outfit. Even though the vocalist was very pleasing to the eye, she definitely kept the audience involved; oat one point she was throwing glow sticks into the crowd.

Anime Matsuri provided a very interesting and exciting show for all people who attended the AM club event. Even though Aural Vampire's dance-concert was in the early hours of Sunday morning, that didn't stop the hall from being filled and having an energetic and lively atmosphere. There wasn't a single person who wasn't dancing - or at least jumping up and down - with excitement throughout the show.

Set list:
1. Innsmouth
2. 69 Balloons
****** MC ******
3. Hot Blood Workout
4. Bono Koubou
5. The Repoman
****** MC ******
6. Shonanzoku
7. Darkwave Surfer
8. Freeeeze!
9. Muria Rhythm
10. Kumo no Ito

A huge "thank you" to SkyPirate and Anime Matsuri for the photos.


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