
Billy Art Contest results

10/05/2008 2008-05-10 12:00:00 JaME Author: JaME team

Billy Art Contest results

The members of Billy chose three winners from the creative entries of our Bouquet themed art contest and commented on their selections.

The members of Billy chose the three winners of our art contest; each of them received both an autographed promotional poster and a small pink towel in the band's very own design envelope. The winners are Helena Ventus from Finland, and Nicole Heinicke and Robert Fuchs from Germany. Congratulations!

The band enjoyed the creativity of all works sent to them and wanted to share a few words about the contest in general, as well as about each winning piece separately.

Billy: We are very happy to receive so many great entries; we found them all very stimulating. Images ranged from the philosophical, focusing on 'humans' and 'bouquets,' to various works in which members and costumes appear. You can really feel everyone’s love in their work. We really thank for you creating these pieces for Billy.


Helena Ventus

Billy: It’s fresh because we haven’t had such visuals of a helicopter and the members before. Each member looks so natural and peaceful, which is good.


I'm amazed that Billy chose my work. I have never won anything, so I'm happy about this surprise. Big thanks to you Billy!

Nicole Heinicke

Billy: The composition is delicate and I like it. I really feel the love for members and for their characters, so seeing this makes me happy.


I’ve been a Billy-fan for 3 years and that's why my friend told me that I should participate. So I took my courage and painted - after a lot of sketches - this picture ^^' (It was a lot of fun because my friend laughed at me when I counted the teeth of Bobbin at the homepage...14/15...yeah I’m a freak but I also really love this cat! That’s why there are two of this beloved cat.)

It was a little bit difficult to paint this picture because of the theme that was given and such a picture isn't done in a few minutes.

I never thought that I would win the contest.

Robert Fuchs

Billy: I was surprised because I had never had such an idea. I can really understand that through the combination of the human body and a bouquet, you can see a mind.


As I first heard Bouquet, I thought about a flower bouquet and in general about the cut flowers. They are dependent on water which keeps them alive. But their life is limited and they will fade. Cut flowers are injured and therefore vulnerable. I compared it with the human heart, which is also vulnerable, and without the blood flowing through it, the body won't stay alive. To strengthen this comparison I put the heart in front of the ribcage. Thanks to JaME for making this contest possible and of course Billy for having chosen me as a winner :-)

JaME would like to thank all the participants and also Billy for choosing the winners.


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