
Interview of HALCALI in France

15/05/2008 2008-05-15 12:00:00 JaME Author: Ayou Translator: Murezor

Interview of HALCALI in France

On the eve of their concert at QIN, HALCALI answered our questions.

© JaME - Philippe Hayot
It was on the grounds of the TV channel Nolife that we finally met Haruka and Yukari face to face for a brief interview before their concert the next day. With the duo smiling as always, the interview started quickly.


Haruka and Yukari: Bonjour! (speaking in French)

Finally you're back only a little while after your coming to the Japan Expo in July 2007. Were you expecting to come back so quickly?

Yukari: Ah yes!
Haruka: It was quick, yes!
Yukari: We're very happy about that.
Haruka: We meet again finally! (Laughs)

Have you ever imagined releasing an album outside of Japan?

Yukari: I would never have expected this to happen one day. Really I'm still surprised about this.
Was it a dream for you?
Yukari: Yes it was a dream. A lot of our fans come from foreign countries, we’re very happy about that.

We know that you enjoyed your last visit for Japan Expo, but weren't there some things that you didn't like or that disturbed you?

(They think about it...)
Haruka: Nothing that I can think of...
Yukari: No, there was nothing we didn’t like!

How are you perceived in Japan now that you've come to France?

Haruka: When we say that we came to play in France usually people tell us: "Wow, that’s awesome! It’s cool to have been there!"

How did your senpai (elders), RIP SLYME handle your coming to France? Were they jealous?

Haruka: A little, yes.
Yukari: But actually they were mostly happy for us.

And next time will you be coming with them?

Yukari: Who knows? (laughs)

Yesterday you did a radio show on France Culture in an unusual context with several artists working in other fields. How did it go?

Yukari: We didn't understand everything that people were saying around us. But everyone seemed to be having fun so we thought we could let ourselves go. The mood was good.

Do you think your audience who doesn't speak Japanese understands what you're trying to express in your songs?

Haruka: There isn't really a hidden meaning in our songs' lyrics. Some songs play on words or sounds.
Yukari: There is no need to understand everything to enjoy and have fun with our songs.

Why did you choose to do a show in the streets of Paris last time (at Beaubourg)?

Yukari: In Japan it would have been impossible for us.
Haruka: And legally it was the only place where we could do it! We wanted to enjoy ourselves.
And how did it go with the people in the street?
Yukari: We were very happy because they weren't people who came to see us and yet they stopped to watch us.
Haruka: Some of them gave us money which is almost never done in Japan.
Jon (translator): It's in our culture, we do that to eat usually.
Haruka: We were really surprised by these reactions!
Yukari: It was impressive.
Haruka: Yes, really nice!

Did you know that a lot of foreign people follow your career? Would you like to play in other countries?

Haruka: Yes of course! At Japan Expo we even met an Irish fan at the dedication session. So yes if we can do shows elsewhere, it will be with great pleasure!

(In the background a video of HALCALI speaking French is broadcasted, which sends the duo into a fit of giggles.)

Yukari: We can't work there! (laughs)

In 2004 you released a DVD of your promotional videos. Do you expect to release another DVD soon with your latest videos?

Haruka: We don't decide that kind of thing, but we'd like to have it done quickly!
Yukari: A lot of people watch our clips on sites like YouTube. It makes us happy even if it's illegal... So yes we'd like to have them out on DVD.

And a live DVD?

Yukari: Ah yes... A live DVD!
Haruka: In Japan, groups like us don't release too many live DVDs.
Yukari: Maybe one day!

Would you be interested in taking part in fashion related events?

Haruka: Everything is related to music so if we have the opportunity to do so, it will be connected with music.

The pictures in Cyborg Oretachi’s booklet are pretty unusual and crazy. Where did you get these ideas?

Yukari: It was the person in charge of photography who came up with the idea for that design. And it gave birth to the name of the album, Cyborg Oretachi.

When will your next album or single go on sale? Will it be released at the same time in Europe?

Yukari: The album should be out around July. Then, it will be the job of the French editor to work hard for the European release! (They point to the manager of JVStore and laugh.)

Has the recording already begun? If so, could you tell us about the style of this album?

Haruka: The sound won't really differ from what you already know. Sometimes we test some songs live and they remain in one's mind and have a good impact on the audience.
Yukari: It's still very HALCALI-like, very joyful!

Will there still be some collaborations with other artists?

Yukari: Yes there will. We're still debating over several artists.

Who do you dream of working with?

Yukari: Daft Punk! We dream to work with them!

You're going to play at MIDEM which is a professional music show. How do you feel about singing there?

Haruka: We're a bit afraid, afraid that the people there will be a little stiff.
Yukari: But we'll do our best so everything goes well!

In ten years do you still see yourselves making music?

Haruka: It's a difficult question...
Yukari: We see ourselves selling apples in the streets of Paris, driving on the Champs-Elysées' traffic circle, saying hello to people, while eating bread in the street.
Haruka: And speaking French! (laughs)
Good luck learning French then!
Haruka: Ok then, in ten years you will interview us only in Japanese and we will answer in French! (laughs)

Tomorrow will you teach your audience to dance like you?

Yukari: We'll make the choreography so easy, there will be no need to learn it; the audience will be able to mimic us right away!

What album are you listening to nowadays?

Yukari: Ah, I'm trying to remember but I forgot...
Haruka: Me too...
Yukari: Ah yes, Kevin Michael, he is classy!
Haruka: But the album we're listening to hasn't been officially released yet.

Do you still have time to see concerts in Japan? If yes, which artists?

Yukari: Yes, for example POLYSICS. It was great!
Haruka: Yes, really good!

A last message for your fans?

Yukari: We're very happy to see the album Cyborg Oretachi released in France. We hope that you'll come to our live and have fun with us!
Haruka: We wait eagerly to see you again.

JaME would like to thank HALCALI, Epic Records and JVStore (including Jon for the translation).

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