
LM.C - Bell the CAT

06/02/2008 2008-02-06 12:00:00 JaME Author: Chantel & Kei

LM.C - Bell the CAT

A stylish and expressive single from the dynamic duo, LM.C.

LM.C's fifth single presents the nature of the band, ever-changing and with no set sound. A combination of flashy rhythms and a near ballad-like tune, Bell the CAT, is a feast for the ears.

Bell the CAT, begins with a catchy clapping beat and never falters in its energy as a slew of sounds, both musical and not, enter as backing for Maya's voice. A guitar and bass duel of sorts highlights the track almost half way through, giving Aiji a chance to flaunt his skill. Somehow reminiscent of a smoky jazz club, due in large part to strong bass lines and a swanky rhythm, this song will definitely keep the listener moving along with the music.

Maple leaf may not match the mood and feel of Bell the CAT, but it proves to be a welcome addition to the release. Maya's filtered voice opens the track and a rousing drum beat leads in to the first verse. Though this song has a more subtle approach, the softer sound of Maya's voice lends a sentimental feeling to the track. A steady bass rhythm and bright guitar chords provide the perfect backdrop for this pleasant tune. Aiji's guitar solo contrasts nicely with the track's overall sound.

Some may think that two songs with completely opposite tones would clash, but they allow listeners to experience two very different sides of LM.C. Additionally, the songs vary enough in sound for the single to be appealing to fans of several genres.

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