Live Report

Pay money To my Pain Live Report

18/11/2007 2007-11-18 12:00:00 JaME Author: yoosh

Pay money To my Pain Live Report

Live Report of PTP, a very promising new heavy rock band!

© Pay Money To My Pain - JaME - Philippe Hayot
On October 9th, the young but experienced band Pay money To my Pain took the stage for what would be an excellent show. The Daikanyama Unit in Tokyo was a small but attractive hall with an excellent PA system. In the evening, the band (abbreviated as PTP) was to serve as the support for the California-based Cage 9, along with fellow countrymen FC FIVE and the Danish band Pinboys.

The opening band was FC FIVE, a hardcore band from Ibaraki that has already played in Europe and America. The group really tried to heat up the audience, but was met with little success. Though some of the male attendants slowly formed the evening’s first mosh pit, the majority of the concert goers stood listless in the room. After five songs, the gig was over for FC FIVE.

After a short break, Pinboys and their front woman Anne tried to stir up a more fitting atmosphere with their pop-punk/rock music. Compared to FC FIVE, Pinboys got a better reception with their varied music. At the beginning they had some problems with their sound, but after the second song things were going smoothly. Vocalist Anne interacted with the audience in between by making them jump up and down. Surprisingly, everyone participated. After six songs, the evening was at its end for the Europeans. All in all, Pinboys was a good band with a lot of potential.

During the next break the excitement for PTP increased. The hall was finally filled and the audience barely had any space to move. There was a slight problem with the sound again, but the technicians finally came through. The notes of album opener Another Day Comes rang out and the musicians got ready for their entrance. Pablo stood out immediately, his showy Rasta-influenced hairstyle catching everyone's eye.

From the start the audience was excited and went wild, forming a mosh pit, a circle pit, or just crowd surfing. With Unforgettable Past, PTP took their fans to new intense highs. Vocalist K, obviously as heated up as the audience, jumped energetically across the stage.

The third song was immediately hard and intense. K got rid of his shirt and displayed his tattoos as he screamed loudly to the crowd.

From here to somewhere, from the album Drop of INK, was a little more relaxed by PTP standards, the audience was “just headbangin." K jumped across the stage like an animal, climbed the speakers and demonstrated the impressive range of his voice.

Finally the band performed a hard number to finish the performance: Paralyzed Ocean. Pablo was especially impressive, with his guitar changing positions from behind his head to down on the ground. It was awesome! With this song, the quintet departed finally, their energy lingering in the venue.

This concert more than proves that this band has incredible potential, and hopefully even greater success is just around the corner for them.


1.Another Day Comes
2.Unforgettable Past
3.Lose your own
4.From here to somewhere
5.Against the pill
6.Paralyzed Ocean


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Pay money To my Pain

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Pay money To my Pain
Daikanyama UNIT