
m.o.v.e. - SYSTEMATIC FANTASY/Good Day Good Time

01/09/2007 2007-09-01 12:00:00 JaME Author: meromero

m.o.v.e. - SYSTEMATIC FANTASY/Good Day Good Time

The first new single in two years from m.o.v.e., SYSTEMATIC FANTASY/Good Day Good Time.

The June 20th, 2007 release of the single SYSTEMATIC FANTASY/Good Day Good Time marked the return of m.o.v.e . to the music scene. It’s been two years since their last single and this one picks up right where they left off.

The first track, SYSTEMATIC FANTASY, is a mellow digi-pop track that showcases all the sounds m.o.v.e. is known for. Composed and arranged by t-kimura, it opens with a dreamy, electronic intro, then breaks into a rhythmic base beat that carries throughout the song. motsu is in full form, rapping in a style uniquely his own and managing to make even the synthesized parts sound good. Though yuri’s vocals seem a little weak in comparison, the overall effect still works.

The next track, Good Day Good Time, has more of a ska-rock element to it while still retaining the digitalized pop sounds of SYSTEMATIC FANTASY. The syncopated beat makes the song feel slightly chaotic but in a good way - Good Day Good Time is full of vitality and fun-filled cheer. motsu really shows off his singing and yuri manages to keep up this time around. The song is appropriately named as it definitely taps into the energy of a "good time".

Remixes of both songs are also on the album. The SYSTEMATIC FANTASY (Electro Baggy Pants Mix), done by t-kimura (credited here as Daft Punch), has a retro 80’s feel to it. The vocals have been electronically edited to give it a more synthetic sound. Good Day Good Time (Indian Holiday Remix) is remixed by Motsu Nicormy. Though the title indicates influence from Indian music, the song has more of a Caribbean-Jamaican vibe. However, the electric-sitar playing is clearly evident as the vocals are softened and the song has quite an ethnic overtone.

The remaining two tracks on the CD are instrumental versions of the two songs.

All in all, this release is a solid one by m.o.v.e. in the continuation of their story. Though probably not the best introduction for new fans, long-time fans should enjoy it, and hopefully it is a sign of more things to come from the band!

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