
bis - Believe in Style

11/06/2007 2007-06-11 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kei

bis - Believe in Style

The first full-length album by bis.

Album CD

Believe in style


Believe in Style is the first full-length album from bis, and offers fans both brand new songs as well as album versions of previously released tracks and singles.

The album starts off with Shinkoukyuu, a song that sports a bouncy, techno-infused intro. Maru comes along and adds his fun, hip-hop like vocals to the mix to make the song complete. This gives the verse a hard edge that leads nicely into the more upbeat chorus. Shinkoukyuu is a great opener for the album.

Following the style of the first track, S·S·I begins with another techno intro, but this track is immediately edgier and harder than the first. Surprisingly, the chorus takes on a slightly punkish feel, with the electronics in the background semi-reminiscent of Metronome's techno style. This is undoubtedly the song for fans of the rock-rap fusion style.

Next is DAYS (Album Mix), a song that gets the feet tapping from the very beginning. Maru‘s vocal style is different from the previous two tracks, and it fits this song nicely. This may very well be the most enjoyable song on the entire release. Meanwhile, Yasashii kaze takes on a more mellow feel, and bis shows that they are capable of doing this style just as well as they do rock. This track could easily be the type of song that takes over radios everywhere, leaving each listener humming its melody.

After a brief break from the techno introductions, Tenohira and Black Cherry pick the trend back up once more. Both songs have fast paces with bouncier, easier to jam to choruses. SEASONS (Album Mix) is surprisingly pop-sounding and would fit in well on a top singles countdown. The vocals for the verse sound a bit out of place at times, but all in all everything goes together nicely. Somewhat along the lines of the previous track, the verse of Hikari would sound a lot better if Maru wasn’t using such hip-hop style vocals, but rather just sang instead. The chorus almost makes up for this and only stops short of it because the verse comes right back in immediately after it.

Taking a different turn from the distorted rap intro, START (Album Mix) goes into a very rock feel. This song could be the contender against DAYS (Album Mix) for most enjoyable track. The album ender, What 1/6?, seems to mesh into the rest of the album music-wise, but the vocals are much clearer and flow with the song very well. This album would be better overall if more songs had this crisp singing style.

All in all, many of the songs on Believe in Style would bleed together if not broken up by the occasional track that strays from the main sound. But, the good tracks are very much enjoyable, making the album decent buy for bis fans, but maybe not for those who are new to the band.

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