
Kana - Short Interview

05/10/2006 2006-10-05 12:00:00 JaME Author: JaME Team Translator: Scottie Wolfe

Kana - Short Interview

Prior to her special night in France, Kana took the time to answer JaME's questions.

© Gan-Shin
Where do you get inspiration for your music?
Kana: It comes from each cell in my body.

Do you gain inspiration from other artists at all?
Kana: Not really..

You’ve been in the music business for quite some time now. When you first started, did you think you’d still be involved in it after a long time?
Kana: I knew from the start that I couldn’t live without music.

What other instruments do you play other than the guitar? Would you be interested in trying your hand at others?
Kana: I played piano for seven years, starting at the age of six.

What do you love about fashion design?
Kana: I make my own clothing. The best part of the job is being able to go out wearing them!

Your style is very unique, even personal. Are you looking to differ yourself from other musical genres?
Kana: I don’t need to associate myself will existing genres. There’s only one “me” and the only genre I sing is my own.

When you write songs, do you come up with the lyrics first or the music?
Kana: I usually try to come up with a theme before either.

You have different hair color for every album. Where did you get such an idea?
Kana: It’s a way for me to express my emotions. The imagery I project through my lyrics are also reflected by those colors. Today, I’m feeling a little pink.

A while back, you would appear often in magazines for special occasions and events (sometimes twice a day in different magazines). How did you survive?
Kana: Easily! I wish I could’ve done more!

How come you haven’t had a single since 2002?
Kana: I simply wanted to understand myself better.

How does it feel to be popular, especially due to your appearance in “Gothic Lolita” magazine?
Kana: Meeting people who share my interests, who’s hearts are all connected, fills me with happiness.

It’s been awhile now, but how did it feel to make the PV for Chimame? Your robe didn’t seem very warm and everything was covered in snow.
Kana: I was born in January, on a cold winter’s day. I like the cold.

What’s your relation to the panda we see in the videos for Chimame and Kuuchuu buranko ?
Kana : He’s actually a lifelong friend.


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