

16/09/2007 2007-09-16 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kibou & Kay Translator: Kay



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Cuartet started in May 2003, and the line-up consisted of Saki on vocals, Aika on guitar, Shinkichi on bass and Rouji on drums. Before they officially started as Cuartet, they were called Koroshi.

Although they had just started, on June 1st they switched labels and moved from Garnet to the Climax Enterprise label.
After only a few performances, the band was able to hold their first one man concert on June 25th. This concert was Rouji's last one with the band as he decided to leave the band on this day, turning the quartet into a trio. However, he got replaced by the drummer Junna very soon after. Next to Junna, another new member joined the band, Mayoi as the second guitarist.

They spent most of the summer performing at various livehouses and they also started to release some work. Their first maxi-single, Sphere was released in August, followed by their first mini-album Core -code 219/344- in September.

After the release of another mini-album as well as their first video, the band released a special maxi-single for the Like an Edison CD stores in March 2004. Then, the band started on their first one-man tour.

More releases followed and then it seemed to be time for a line-up change again as Mayoi left the band on January 6th 2005. No reasons were given for this decision. The remaining members continued and released their first full album Photograph a little later that month.

A while later Cuartet got to endure some serious problems, as their label Climax Enterprise stopped it's excistance. It seemed that the owner of the label was suffering from an illness and couldn't continue the label anymore. An official statement about what was going on exactly was never given, although a bit of information was disclosed in the owner's online journal. Thus, Cuartet participated on the last event organized by the label on April 14th.

Unfortunately, after the closure of the label, Cuartet decided to disband on June 22nd, 2005. They never gave a reason, it's not clear if their decision was made because of the closure of the label or not.

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