
Devil Christ 13

05/09/2008 2008-09-05 12:00:00 JaME Author: Nicki Translator: Kay

Devil Christ 13

Devil Christ 13

Most people think of five kimono clad men whenever they think of Kagrra, but if you were expecting the same of Nao, Izumi and Akiya's project, you’re totally wrong. On stage the three wear Hawaii shirts and stylish sunglasses. In their PV they are seen wearing grubby masks, moving around like Sadako in the movie 'The Ring'.

To own a copy of one of DC13's recordings, you had to be very lucky and very fast at the time of their release, because they were all very limited items. There were only 4 (!) copies released of their first single and 13 of their other releases. The band even organized a drawing contest and four lucky winners won a single.

Their last concert was on August 29th at the Astro Hall Harajuku, but the live was unfortunately only for the members of Kagrra's fanclub Auga.

We can only hope that this crazy trio will make a reappearance soon and maybe release some more!

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