
Interview with ADAMS

10/02/2013 2013-02-10 00:01:00 JaME Author: JaME Polska Translator: Martyna "Gin" Wylecial

Interview with ADAMS

The duo ADAMS talked to us about their music, work and the original concept they incorporate – homosexuality.

ADAMS is an original project that incorporates the concept of homosexuality into their work, music and music videos. Recently they released the album NEO SEXUAL and soon their digital single KIMI NO SEI will be released. ADAM and Shota openly talked with the team from JaME Poland about their work, the band and their concept.

This is JaME’s first interview with ADAMS. Can you both introduce yourselves to our readers?

ADAM: Nice to meet you, I’m ADAM. I’m ADAMS’ singer.
Shota: Hello, I’m Shota. I’m the producer and guitarist of ADAMS.

How did you meet? How did the band form?

Shota: We met via our previous band, which soon disbanded. I’ve since become a producer and created my own label. And this is where ADAM appears again….
ADAM: I asked Shota to be my producer.
Shota: At first ADAMS was a solo project of ADAM ‘s, with him as the singer. It was an interesting but overwhelming concept, but we were both waiting for this chance encounter our whole life, and it was important for him, as well as for me.
ADAM: This is how ADAMS was born.

On your website you wrote about re-creating a new Genesis with two Adams instead of Adam and Eve. This is a very daring idea. Can you explain it?

Shota: Good question! There’s no Adam and Eve, only Adam and Adam. Tradition says Adam was the first representative of the mankind. Adam created Eve. So, who gave birth to Eve? She comes from only one man. With our music we write Genesis once more.

Your band’s concept is homosexuality. Do you want to promote homosexuality or do you just use it as a theme for your work?

ADAM: Homosexuality is a very important concept for both of us, so we both create music, sharing love to each other….
Shota: Our lyrics correspond with the feelings of the opposite sex and arouse empathy in our own sex. There are of course differences in music. You can also feel a mysterious deepness in our photos.

Is homosexuality in Japan a problem, taboo or a common thing? Are gay people being discriminated in your county?

Shota: Homosexual people are rare in Japan. They barely (announce) their coming out, though they are not really discriminated.

How would you describe your music? What are your inspirations?

ADAM: We live to make it?
Shota: Every day is an inspiration.

Last year you released the album NEO SEXUAL. Can you tell us more about it? What does "NEO SEXUAL" mean?

Shota: "NEO SEXUAL" is one more orientation. This is how things should be. This is ADAMS’ concept.

How do you create your songs? Who writes the music and lyrics?

ADAM: Shota writes music. Lyrics are what we mostly create together, right?
Shota: Right. I provide songs in a form close to the final state. I write the lyrics while working on music, and I hand it to ADAM. He thinks of a theme and then we meet and discuss it.

This month you will release the digital single KIMI NO SEI. Can you tell us about this release?

Shota: This single for ADAMS is very challenging. It’s an acoustic track, which is new for us, and so is the concept….
ADAM: KIMI NO SEI and BOKU NO SEI, two in one. There are two main characters, who in turn both become heroes in this story.

Why did you decide to release it only in digital format? Are you going to release it also on CD?

Shota: This time there will be no CD. This is ADAMS’ decision. If we reach the download limit, ADAMS will think about setting another challenge. (laughs)

Would you like to tour outside Japan? If yes, where?

ADAM: Paris.
Shota: Russia. New York.

What do your lives look like?

ADAM: What do you think, Shota?
Shota: Let me think.
ADAM: ADAMS at least…
Shota: Stays out of everyone’s reach. In a good way.

Your music videos are very artistic yet controversial. Who is in charge of them?

Shota: Camera man Ryota Sakai is a key person here! I don’t work with people I don’t think are good. Otherwise we would have lost our long awaited dignity, right?

Which music video was the most difficult for you to record?

ADAM: The last one (BOKU NO SEI) was the most difficult. (laughs)
Shota: Agreed.

You will also record the music video for KIMI NO SEI. Can you give us some details about it?

Shota: This time we won’t make KIMI NO SEI. We are shooting the music video for BOKU NO SEI. A few days ago we finished filming, and now we only have to do the editing.
ADAM: Every time we have fun.

Shota, is being a musician, band member, producer and manager all at the same time difficult? Which role do you like most?

Shota: This is a very difficult question! I think most of the time it’s being ADAMS’ producer. This concept isn’t a problem…. As an artist, (laughs) I should shine more because ADAM is a very talented singer.

You have your own record label, HIGHFeeL JAPAN, which works with ADAMS and the band sakelime. Can you tell us more about this other project?

Shota: HIGHFeeL is a label in name only…. Actually, sakelime doesn’t work anymore. ADAMS remains the only artist here. In Japan there are too many recording studios or labels, and they hire too many people. I’m aware that the less people that work in a group, the better. I believe that among so many firms and interpretations, ADAMS’ management will find a place for itself. (laughs)

ADAM, you are a very mysterious person and there is almost no information about you, so can you tell us something about yourself?

ADAM: I feel honored to be told something like that. Hello.
Shota: That’s all?
ADAM: (laughs)

What are your plans for future? What can we expect from ADAMS?

Shota: Please, do not expect too much from us. We won’t expect much as well.
ADAM: Originality. Revolutionary. Timeless.

Can you please say a message to JaME readers?

Shota: I love my fans always and kisses.

JaME would like to thank ADAMS for making this interview possible. Below you can watch ADAMS’ music videos:



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