
Galaxy7 Conference at Japan Expo Belgium

06/03/2013 2013-03-06 00:01:00 JaME Author: Shiryu, Nathalie Translator: Elly

Galaxy7 Conference at Japan Expo Belgium

A few hours after their showcase at Japan Expo, Galaxy7 held a Q&A session.

© JaME, Ruben Matthijs
On Sunday 4th November, Galaxy7 appeared as guests at Japan Expo in Belgium. A few hours after their smashing showcase, the duo attended a 45-minute conference where fans had the chance to ask them questions. Daisuke and Taiki Matsuura talked about their future plans, Europe, their favourite food, cosplay and more!

Daisuke: Hi everyone! I’m Daisuke from Galaxy7.

Interpreter: During this conference we are going to talk about Galaxy7 and their work. Daisuke will now introduce himself.

Daisuke: In 2008, I started my solo project, an electro-rock group. I’ve just released a second album and today is the finale of my European tour. The name of the new album is Eye Of The Dragon Who Wished To Be A Man. I love Europe! I bring a mix of electro and rock music, more than just electro. I also make a lot of experimental music. When I was a child I loved music and I had a sister who played the guitar. When I was nine years old, I started to make music. I’m a little shy but feel free to ask questions if you have any.

What did you think of your stay in France?

Daisuke: I love Europe and I've wanted to come to France ever since I was a child. I’d rather stay here than go back to Japan.

Have you tried Belgian chocolate? And what did you think of Belgium?

Daisuke: I received some chocolate but I haven’t had time to enjoy it yet. I also had little time to see Belgium.

Where does the name Galaxy7 come from?

Daisuke: The name itself doesn’t matter. Galaxy7 was the first thing that came to mind and I liked the sound of it so it stayed that way.

Daisuke, on the internet you are often compared to groups like L’Arc~en~Ciel…do you think this comparison is correct?

Daisuke: Since coming to Europe I've heard that a lot. Many people in Europe say I’m similar to L’Arc~en~Ciel but it never really occurred to me. Maybe it's because my voice sounds like HYDE’s.

What did you think of today’s show?

Daisuke: The Japan Expo show has been one of my favourites so far.

In previous interviews you have mentioned you’re working on a new musical project. Do you have a name for that project?

Daisuke: I haven’t given it any thought but if something comes to mind I think I will just use that. (laughs)

Where did you meet your drummer, Taiki Matsuura?

Daisuke: Through a guitarist from another band. A mutual friend.
Taiki: (makes a funny face) I’m very happy to be in Belgium. (laughter from the audience and band members)

Daisuke, what is your secret to dancing like that on stage?

Daisuke: I’ve loved dancing ever since I was young. I really enjoy it. I never know what I’m going to do, I just go ahead and do something.

How many times have you come to Europe?

Daisuke: This is the fourth time I’ve been to Europe.
Taiki: This is my first time.

Did you find any inspiration in Europe for new songs?

Daisuke: The people here are very open and social and I think that will have a big influence on me.

Daisuke, can you walk around the streets in Europe or are there a lot of fans who stop you for an autograph and questions?

Daisuke: Sometimes. (laughs)

What do you think about European women?

Daisuke: I think the women here are friendly and beautiful. I love them!

(The room is filled with laughter and voices from the audience shouting “arigatou”. Daisuke laughs and you can see he is a little timid. He sits up straight and takes a moment to recover from the question. From the room you can hear “daijoubu desu ka”; are you okay?)

Can you say something in French?

(Daisuke hands the microphone to Taiki)
Taiki: (looks astonished) Enchanté, merci.
(Taiki hands the microphone back to Daisuke)
Daisuke: D’accord. (The audience starts laughing and clapping)

Daisuke: (speaking to the audience) I know I’m not shy on stage but I am when I get asked questions off-stage. But please ask questions! (the audience shouts “Kawaii!”)

When was the first time you were on stage?

Daisuke: The first time I was on stage was when I was 16, just after I graduated. I had finished high school and there were some parties to celebrate. At one of those parties I started performing and since then I’ve been fond of it.
Taiki: When I was 13, I played the drums for the first time at the school festival at the end of the year.

Did you start on the street or at an agency?

Daisuke: I started playing in small venues around Tokyo.

Daisuke, what is your favourite food?

Daisuke: PASTA! In Japan I eat pasta every day. (laughs)

Do you know any Dutch?

Daisuke: Not a word! Sorry! (they both start laughing)

Daisuke, do you have a nickname?

Daisuke: No, everybody just calls me Daisuke.

Don’t you have jetlag from all that flying?

Daisuke: No, I don’t have problems with the time difference. I like planes and I never suffer from jetlag.

What future projects can we expect?

Daisuke: At the moment I don’t have any projects but I am interested in making dance music.

And what are your plans for the next few days?

Daisuke: Tomorrow I’ll be taking the first plane back to Japan.

Do more people attend your concerts in Japan?

Daisuke: Not many people come to my performances. The venues are half empty. But sometimes I perform in big halls where a lot people come to watch. In Europe I’m not that popular.

Would you ever cosplay?

Daisuke: (laughs) I've never really thought about it, but if I did I would be a character from “Dragon Ball Z” because I love that show. (some people from the audience shout “Kamehameha”)

What do you think about the cosplayers in Belgium?

Daisuke: I have a lot of respect for cosplayers in Belgium, they have a lot more courage than I do.

You said you would be a character from “Dragon Ball Z” if you ever cosplayed. Which character would you be?

Daisuke: Goku.
Taiki: Krillin.

This is your third time at Japan Expo. What do you think about this event?

Daisuke: I enjoyed attending the Japan Expo conference. Every flag is Japanese and it is a good initiative. I’m proud I could be a part of this event and everybody is very friendly. Thank you!
Taiki: Merci!

The audience shouts “arigatou!” and Galaxy7 leaves the stage. Just before the band goes backstage, the fans have the opportunity to give presents and greet, thank and hug the band.


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