
Porno Graffitti Commemorates their 10th Anniversary with New Single and DVDs

22/05/2009 2009-05-22 18:38:00 JaME Source: OHP Author: Rast, R. Translator: Andrea

Porno Graffitti Commemorates their 10th Anniversary with New Single and DVDs

Porno Graffitti will commemorate the 10th anniversary of their major debut with the releases of a new single and three new DVDs on September 9th.

Porno Graffitti will commemorate the 10th anniversary of their major debut with the releases of a new single and three new DVDs on September 9th. The single, their first in nine months, is said to be a new step in the band's career, though further details are yet to be decided.

The DVDs, titled PG CLIPS 2nd LAP, PG CLIPS 3rd LAP and PG CLIPS 4th LAP, will consist of music video collections displaying all of the PVs released by the band since 2001. OPENING LAP, another PV collection released originally in 2001, will also be reissued, and all four aforementioned DVDs will be released in a special box called COMPLETE CLIPS 1999-2008.

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