Live Report

Over The Edge ’10 [Final Working Day] December 30th

27/02/2011 2011-02-27 00:01:00 JaME Author: Leela McMullen

Over The Edge ’10 [Final Working Day] December 30th

December 30th, first of two days of Over the Edge at Shibuya C.C.Lemon hall, witnessed an unprecedented line-up of some of the most talented visual kei bands of the era.

Displaying a range of musical and visual styles, each band at Over the Edge had something special to offer, combining into a line-up to ensure complete success! The show opened with the words: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Over the Edge 2010. Let’s enter the event and go crazy with these great bands. Welcome to the first band: girugamesh!"


Shock at girugamesh’s early appearance was quickly overcome, the crowd on their feet clapping to the intro, now. Vocalist Satoshi stretched loosely before calling, “C.C.Lemon, will you go crazy?” bit crash was the first song of the day, a fast, fun start, where both band and crowd enjoyed the quickly unified atmosphere. "HEY!” An explosive BANG set hearts racing. “Over the Edge… are you ready to go over the edge? All of you shout out!” The remainder of the song featured bassist ShuU getting down, Satoshi wrapping it up with a light “Whoo!” DIRTY STORY came complete with swinging towels, ShuU and guitarist Nii stalking across the stage and Satoshi crouching upon the drum platform, jumping down as he sang “I wanna be a sincere man!” BEAST had Nii running about and throwing in star jumps, inspired by the energy of the number. Meanwhile, Satoshi used the mic stand as a prop to dance with and ShuU really got the crowd going, his back to them as he clapped over his head, with drummer Яyo singing along. “We are the beast!” Satoshi yelled.

For the melodic line of Suiren in competition with its awesome guitar, bass and drums, the crowd and band were well warmed up. ShuU, totally into the music, executed little body rolls, he and Nii singing off-lines with Satoshi. “This year we got to be first and have an explosion,” Satoshi explained with boyish enthusiasm before relating the New Years Eve atmosphere back stage. “We’ve got three songs left for you. Please listen – COLOR.” The pretty pop-ballad entry soon dissolved into that familiar hard rock sound, Satoshi jumping athletically as the whole band rocked out in every instrumental. Demanding raised hands, they encouraged clapping to the deceptively plain opening of smash!! which soon evolved into an amazing spectacle of moshing, worked up fans, lending their voices splendidly to the music. “I wanna hear the second floor, too!” Satoshi shouted to great success. No holds barred, the vocalist nostalgically roared the powerful chorus, bassist playing amidst a flurry of his own wildly flung hair. Meanwhile, Ryo danced behind his kit with a brilliant grin. “Lastly… evolution!” The second floor balcony trembled under jumping, dancing feet, and either open palms or clenched fists were constantly swiping the air. Mid-number, Nii dived to the floor for a round of push-ups to the crowd’s loudly-voiced delight. A heavy riff brought the set to an end. ShuU laid down his bass, tapping the strings to hold one last remnant of girugamesh beyond the curtain’s close.

Set List
1. now(intro)
2. bit crash
5. suiren
7. smash!!
8. evolution


With the banner of vocalist YUKIYA’s label Kranze hanging above the set, irregular blue spots strobed the stage. Random musical sounds met awaiting ears, keyboardist KENZy breaking out in a clap for the audience to follow. With YUKIYA joining SANA and SHIGE to make for three guitars, the gothic music with an electric flair washed through both band and crowd, guitarist SANA taking to the front of the stage whenever his instrument sounded in the foreground. Head flicking animatedly, drummer ATSUSHI struck away at the instrumental. Following the first song, YUKIYA treated the crowd to a little chat. “The first band was girugamesh and the second… is me.” That brought plenty of shouts of ‘YUKIYA’ from adoring fans. “Hush, you bandgirls… Um, we’re kαin and I’m YUKIYA.” In an awkwardly charismatic manner, he joked about being papa to those he calls ‘bandgirls’ whilst thumbing his i-phone and tweeting from the stage. Then, “It’s been a year with many hardships and some who should be here today are not, but that isn’t what today is about. My songs today were all written during the year so you can’t buy them but these are for you so please bear with me. Miles.”

However, the song fell apart right away, with drum trouble causing YUKIYA to go off on an unscheduled tangent, sitting at the stage front and asking the girls to yell when the guys behind looked ready, but a moment later he yelled at the photographers for being too close and ran away. Drums ready to go, Miles began at last and YUKIYA moved up front for his solo. He certainly wasn’t too shy to go all out in the brighter number. On bass, AGEHA ‘s long hair swung as he dug in. Again featured a piano intro segueing into a heavy riff, once again much darker. YUKIYA removed his guitar to wander the stage with mic in hand instead. He progressed from headbanging to leaning back as his voice rang out. SHIGE could be seen thoroughly involved in the music whilst the vocalist leaned loosely off his mic stand before they tossed their heads together and faced off. KENZy got the crowd going in the opening of -sou-, intriguing with its dark yet cheerful chorus interspersed with odd growls from the versatile vocalist. Constantly in the background of the set, cellist Taizan Aotsuki was at last illuminated for his solo.

For the last number, YUKIYA collected his guitar. “I’m finishing ‘nau’(now),” he muttered in Japanese twitter-talk. “Okay, ‘bandgirls’. Clap!” Deep kick bass set a solid clap rhythm for the nostalgic rock-ballad tune Closer. At YUKIYA’s scream, the guitar turned intense, vocalist holding out his final chord on an upheld instrument as screams of his name rang out. “Thank you,” he said with a bow before planning his next tweet on the way off. “Even though I’m a vocalist, I played a lot of guitar ‘nau’.”

Set List
1. die4you
2. Miles
3. Again
4. -sou-
5. Closer


Relatively unknown as a band, Cuckoo still received plenty of attention from a crowd familiar with its individual members. Y dan Democracy’s vocal and drum driven melody showcased Sharaku Kobayashi’s harsh, high toned voice and drummer Hiroshi Sasabuchi’s relentless energy, guitarist Awo Sakurai lying low for the first number with sparse chords thrown in throughout. Meanwhile, a busy blues scale kept support bassist Jun Takai on his toes. Rapping in a shrill voice in Ofuro de nakitai, the vocalist yelled to the crowd, earning a satisfying response. Sakurai proved his dexterity as he strummed away whilst hopping in a circle.

“Hey, we’re Cuckoo! I think most of you are seeing us for the first time. We’re a visual kei band targeting 30-something’s and I’m sure you’re all probably teenagers but please give us a chance,” begged Sharaku. The speech seemed rather pointless as the majority of the youngster crowd were more than taken by the pedigree of the members, laughing, cheering and clapping on cue. Sharaku explained that the working title of the next song had been Dai kirai but since MUCC already had a Dai kirai… he endeavoured to one-up them, renaming the number Dai dai kirai. Groovy and heavy despite Sharaku’s piercing voice, the crowd embraced the speedy number with shouting and punching as bass and vocal switched off on ‘dai’s’ to lend a level of communication to the scene. “Kimochi e,” Sharaku announced with a dirty lilt. Guitar and bass zoomed about the stage. Out-doing himself with a bodily rampage, Sharaku fell to his knees and the number came to a pause, all three watching for Hiroshi’s cue and taking off once more, vocalist and guitarist yelling on and on.

A drum roll and then Shinizoko nai shifted into a solid jungle rhythm, the crowd double clapping to match. Sakurai spazzed out amidst the random melody and Jun, too, went a little nuts but while his whole body bounced, his feet remained firmly on the ground. Prior to the final number, the vocalist instructed the audience in how to react. “When I come forward, can you yell for me? Yeah? Okay, let’s do that. Cuckoo no su no ue de.” After a wailed guitar intro, the song took on the gentle aura of a sunny day and then out of nowhere came a mid-verse drum solo. Finally, Sharaku introduced each member in turn, and they gathered together in time for the final chord. “Thanks, that was Cuckoo,” he reminded, members scattering to farewell the audience before disappearing offstage.

Set List
1. Y dan Democracy
2. ofuro de nakitai
3. daidaikirai
4. kimochi E
5. shinizoko nai
6. Cuckoo no su no ue de


Following the first shock of drummer Yuichiro’s costume of skimpy latex underwear, anticipation of meeting boogieman’s new vocalist sent eyebrows raising sky-high when a shirt-stripping African American rapper skipped out to rile up the bewildered crowd. “The boogieman is in the house! Rock with the boogieman, yeah!” After a momentary blackout, the true vocalist, Shu, crouched on the podium in his place and many issued a sigh of relief before the first number began and interests piqued once more.

Paradise Shift introduced Shu’s timber, deeper yet infused with a familiar tone that, without which, the music of boogieman would never work. While his sexy dancing style caught the eye, the real eye-grabber was guitarist Yuana, skipping and sliding about while fans called to him at random and spread their arms in a sign of adoration. The jazzy feel kept the whole band busy, bassist Bansaku and guitarist Kei messing about in the background throughout Yuana’s solo. A bright chorus melody over relentlessly heavy guitar, Cocaine featured a bass solo courtesy of Bansaku that dissolved into a mass of vicious headbanging. Shu’s sporadic yells added to an intentionally random feel to the number as the whole band roamed freely. “Howling,” Shu announced, the soft entry picking up with his yells as the full compliment joined in. Bansaku stepped up for a solo, inevitable screams ringing out as Yuana and Kei moved to join him.

The real test came with boogieman’s most popular number, new world. The band rampaged across the stage to the exciting melody in an act for the crowd to follow. Skipping and jumping, Yuana hopped over to the stage left extension to get closer to the extremes of the crowd. Bansaku then mirrored him, crowd charging towards him, moshing through the second verse. The memorable chorus saw a wave of fists head for the stage at Shu’s suggestion. A heavy interlude, with Bansaku strumming dramatically at the stage front, sent the crowd flopping over the seats in front before snapping upright to wave widely spread arms for Yuana’s centre stage solo. The final stretch saw the instrumentalists going nuts, Shu taking off to applause before Yuichiro completed his final roll. Determined to leave a lasting memory, Yuana jumped up on the platform to viciously hump his guitar before running off and leaving the defiled instrument behind.

Set List
1. Paradise Shift
2. Cocaine
3. Howling
4. new world

In the following sound checks, various voices accosted various mics, a memorable “Let me go, let me go!” from girugamesh’s evolution ringing a shriek of delight from the awaiting fans amidst background music of Shania Twain.


Guitarist Mizuki was on the mic from the beginning, urging the crowd to shout along with the entrance music whilst fellow guitarist Tsurugi surveyed the crowd. “Let’s go, Tokyo!” roared vocalist Mao. Hitting it off with the popular Meisai, there was no such thing as ‘restraint’ in the vocabulary of either band or crowd. Mizuki was off about the stage right away, bassist Aki getting up close to observe the rampaging fans. Throughout the chorus, Kei slashed at the cymbals like a foe to be cut down, Mao’s singing voice not hindered in the slightest by the vicious growling only a moment before nor influencing the hideous growl to come as fans came down like a ton of bricks on every deep accent. Just in case the number wasn’t eventful enough, the crowd were given a chance to prove themselves, lending their voices to the chorus as Mao extended the mic before him. The intro of Cry More saw both guitarists dancing and messing about with an intense edge to their movement, patiently standing stationary for their required growls. Mao joined their antics, rocking out in the instrumental. “Shibuya, let me hear your thunderous voices!” he cried, the crowd evidently living up to his standards with their rhythmic yells. The final beats were accented with Mao’s full body flying. juggernaut kept the band moving freely, fans taking over the catchy chorus at Mao’s prompt. The intense conclusion had Mizuki spinning and tripping out whilst Aki, too, went haywire, a collision between the two a near miss.

Nothing but ‘awesome’ can describe the two varying guitar riffs opening Shingan, Mizuki pinned down on one knee by the pressure of the music. Accented with Mao’s vicious bellow often combined with Mizuki’s equally impressive snarl into a stand he carried forward, the number nearly brought down the house, the balcony shaking under the weight of bounding bodies. Aki crouched in the background, looking for all the world like a hungry panther lying in wait whilst, backing off his podium, Mao nearly knocked himself over with the force of his final growl. “Last!” he roared, lights up all over the hall. Grieving the dead soul was almost a relief in terms of intensity – and that’s saying something. Throughout, the crowd alternated between jumping, diving and thrashing heads, holding nothing back. “Yeah, Tokyo! Are you alive?” Mao yelled, fishing for a response. “Can you keep this up next year? COME AT ME!” Two trends overtook the crowd at the last, flung hair wrapped about flying fists. “For the last time this year… Let me hear you!” Mao commanded, the crowd fulfilling his wish at the expense of their ability to speak thereafter. Last off, Mizuki lingered to offer them a deep, appreciative bow.

Set List
1. meisai
2. Cry More
3. juggernaut
4. shingan
5. Grieving the dead soul

Mix Speakers, inc.

The band entered in low light amidst a round of clapping and yells until a bell chimed followed by the announcement “Welcome to Mix Land.” No sooner did Cinderella start than the crowd had glow lights in their hands. With a chorus of six singers, lyrics were passed off between them as they lead the glow stick choreography, occasionally joining in a multi-part harmony. The highlight of the number had vocalists YUKI and MIKI conducting the rest in a deep choral section before each then sang one line, stepping up on the platform for their respective turns. Lining up at the stage-front, YUKI repeated “Welcome to Mix Land.” Proving that there was more to the band than an accomplished choir, the musicians then made for their instruments. JUNK STORY saw guitarist AYA up on the drum platform beside S while bassist seek and guitarist keiji skipped across the stage with the two vocalists. Despite the cheerful tones of the chorus, seek rocked out as if hearing a much heavier tune. He then played a swingin’ duet with keiji, the two vocals leading a slow wave, glowing lights arcing above the crowd in upraised hands. “Tokyo, all of you toss your heads!” seek ordered, prior to Pandora. AYA skipped forward for a solo, twirling prettily across the stage. “Bang your heads!” seek prompted, the band joining in for a good, wholesome head-bang. The vocalists passed off lines, sounding great in harmony.

“Tokyo, let’s heat things up!” shouted MIKI. “Let’s MONSTIME!” Towels out and flying, the crowd wore grins all over. Unable to release their hands, the two guitarists spun in circles to mimic the motion whilst, sounding just like the cartoon monster he endeavoured to appear as, seek’s deep, nasty voice rattled the bones. MIKI’s mic found its way into the bassist’s hands for one round of the chorus before the vocalist retrieved it, carrying it back to AYA who sang out, leaving the last line to the crowd. “Hey, Tokyo. We’re Mix Speakers. There’s lots of events at New Years but we want you to enjoy this one the most so put your all into this last song!” Nothing could have set the carnival nature of HAPPyyyllLand better than YUKI and MIKI cart-wheeling across each other. The music was like a face-off between guitars and vocalists, each striving to top the others whilst the crowd danced with a wealth of energy, finally headbanging along with both vocalists to finish. As they made their way off, YUKI chattered the entire time.

Set List
1. Cinderella
3. Pandora
4. SMC
6. HAPPyyyllLand

A pre-set jamming session had the crowd going, fading in time to return to Earth with the BGM chorus of Elton John’s Candle in the Wind.


The band entered all at once, the lack of drama a stark contrast to their predecessors. “Hey Shibuya,” greeted vocalist Hazuki. “EVILLY. Whoo!” The little cheer was definitely an understatement as hundreds of heads tossed as one almost before the opening riff gripped them. The vocalist half break-danced whenever the chance arose, guitarist Yusuke simply riding the music in his downtime whilst his counterpart, Reo shouted with vigour. “Go nuts, Shibuya! Heads!” Hazuki warned, slowly prowling in a circle, eyes on the crowd. The band raised triumphant hands at the number’s end. Seeming thrilled to perform the new song JUDGEMENT at such a prestigious venue, Hazuki was in fine form, letting loose. Calmly pressing on in his own little world, Asano’s drum beat led a speedy round of yells. A deeply intense moment found relief in the satisfaction of Hazuki’s raw cries. 59 followed immediately, crowd jumping on the death voice accents of the Hazuki/Reo/Yusuke team. Hazuki yelled his thanks in advance as the crowd shouted loudly throughout the instrumental, digging deep to bring the number to a wicked, growling end.

“Oi, Shibuya. We’re honoured to be at this event again. We’re into the second half now so you can expend all your energy without worrying,” Hazuki assured. A GLEAM IN EYE took off, the crowd filling in nicely whenever Hazuki skipped a lyric. As they sunk into a round of head-banging, Hazuki danced about, riding both scenery and music as Reo went all out for his solo. unknown lost a beauty had the hall in a frenzy, Hazuki complimenting the beat with various bodily accents. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand, all swift, rhythmic lyrics and rising growls. Leading cute little double claps through the instrumental, his hips swayed seductively, a grin twitching until he threw the bassist to the wolves for a solo. “On bass, AkN!” The whole band dived into a growl that cut the instrumental in half, fans shouting until the very last.

“We’re doing a violent one,” Hazuki warned, All this I’ll give you fitting the description perfectly as Reo and Yusuke thrashed heads regardless of the crowd either mirroring them or bounding to the amazing guitar riff. Hazuki joined in for the instrumental, head and body flying. “Lastly, those who know it, sing out,” he requested. ADORE was a blur at almost double the pace and with Hazuki in high spirits. He lobbed a kiss on the verge of the chorus before all hell broke loose onstage and they were off for a dirty instrumental that had the vocalist tossing head, body and the kitchen sink in an inspirational display. “Thank you!” he screamed amidst the continuing music, Yusuke applauding the crowd as he accidentally backed right into AkN, the two joining Reo to surround Asano and see the number through. “Enjoy it to the last and have a great year!” Hazuki called in summation.

Set List
3. 59
5. unkown lost a beauty
6. All this I’ll give you


“Hey, Over the Edge! Enjoy yourselves to the fullest!” yelled vocalist Yoshihiko. A fine choice, Utakata had the whole crowd jumping from the get-go, vocalist traipsing about the stage. Whilst even drummer Kiri yelled into the chorus, it was bassist Kohsuke’s over-excited shout that spurred the crowd to even greater heights. Nao bounded up for his guitar solo, letting rip with a skill and vigour the envy of any aspiring musician, fleet feet keeping him in motion from start to finish of the energetic opening number. “Hey, Shibuya… Can you do another?” With Yoshihiko escorting the crowd's yells with an uncommonly vicious growl, heidi.’s first real head-banger, Mukuro, was received with pleasure as hair whipped and fists flew. A deep, dark variation of the theme had hands gripping seat backs as the crowd flung themselves forward, even the band digging jaggedly into each rhythmic thrust. Yoshihiko’s harsh tone hit the ears and trembled down to the toes.

“Hey, Shibuya. We’re heidi.. Are you enjoying yourselves?” It took a few tries for the dizzy crowd to regain their voices. “Oh, you can make sound!” the vocalist joked at last. “This is heidi.’s last live of the year so let’s enjoy the occasion together. This is our new single, Gekko Showtime.” The fun, funky music had the crowd leaping on accents in the chorus or else grooving along with the band to music that depicted a little light-hearted night-time fun. ∞Loop kept things bright, crowd clapping and jumping along as Nao’s catchy guitar lines continued, and even he was unable to resist the bounce ingrained in the song. Not done yet, Yoshihiko asked the crowd to go on a rampage and got his wish, no still hand or body to be seen throughout Sentimental. When the music cut out for the fans to show off their voices, even those seeing heidi. for the first time were caught up in the moment, wordlessly singing along. “Feels too good, can I hear it again?” Yoshihiko cried, the second refrain somehow even louder.

Topping even that, Omaesan had the entire venue moshing out into the aisles and through the rows, seats be damned! Arm around Nao, the vocalist held his mic between them, bemused guitarist playing along with the spontaneity and adding his voice. Finally, a sudden stop brought the craziness to a skidding halt. Shouts rang out for Yoshihiko who basked in the glory. “I like that, so on my count, everyone yell Yoshihiko!” he said with a grin. The ultimate roar earned a “Love ya!” before he turned semi-serious. “This is the last live of the year so I want to sing this last phrase, “Omaesan”, for you with all my heart. Ready? Here Yoshihiko goes…” Unaccompanied, the diva sang out with everything he had, disintegrating into a final growl that shivered bodies into one last spurt of all out moshing to the relentlessly exciting music.

Set List
1. utakata
2. mukuro
3. gekko Showtime
4. ∞Loop
5. Sentimental
6. omaesan


House lights slow to fade, the sudden opening track had people rushing to their feet to clap along, curtain opening to reveal LM.C’s bunny banner and soon the essential support members. Cheers rang as first guitarist Aiji then vocalist maya appeared. LET ME’ CRAZY!! presented an odd contrast between the uncommonly sober pair and their jacked up support, drummer SASSY going at it with mouth wide open and NomNom lunging over his keyboard. The crowd responded overly enthusiastically to maya’s casual lead of “Say hey! Say ho!”

Singling out the LM.C first timers, maya pronounced them cute and proposed marriage. “Doing okay up there?” he asked the second floor. Lacking a response, he yelled “Oi, bandgirls!” which neatly segued into his introduction. “This is a song written for you bandgirls. OH MY JULIET!” Wandering over to groove with bassist mACKAz, Aiji then ran back to his mic at stage left, whilst video jockey Denki-Man conducted the chorus with red batons. maya dramatically sang “Hey god~” down in a crouch before he and the music sprang up.

Space Wannbiez came right in featuring a side by side bass and guitar duet. “Oh yeah~!” maya sang, repeating the beat with a pair of punches on the crowd’s turn. Warming up, Aiji got into the chorus with hair flying. “Woah! Shibuya! Visual Kei!” maya yelled, leaving no doubt as to his love for the genre. Out came Denki-Man, revealing the pogo-stilts elevating him throughout the whole set as he bounced around. “Can you go on?” maya confirmed. He and Aiji travelled throughout Z-MAN, the guitarist headbanging when the need overtook him. As the crowd surged back and forth in a heavy riff, maya stalked towards them like a predatory cat.

“So which LM.C songs do you guys know?” maya asked, destroying hopes with “Oh, we’re not doing that one. Nor that. I want you all to yell along with this next song. It’s just that kind of song.” Nobody had a problem getting into ☆Rock the LM.C☆, a hall full of fists beating amidst cult-like chanting. “Rock, rock the LM.C. Rock, rockin’ with the LM.C.” Truly sick guitar was born of Aiji’s fingers, the venue shaking with the force of the jumping crowd. “Visual kei rocks!” maya yelled, banner boys charging out onto the stage, brandishing their flags until Aiji’s back-bent final strum. “Over the Edge, yay! This next song is for all you visual kei fans!” maya cheered, introducing PUNKY HEART. DENKI-MAN, equipped with huge white gloves and a massive pink flag, staggered about on his stilts for the final, quirky number, maya treating those up front to a handful of tossed chuppa chup lollipops. Ending on that fun note, Aiji and maya took off with a last warning, “The next band is the last one so have a great time before you head home!”

Set List
3. Space Wannbiez
4. Z-Man
5. ☆Rock the LM.C☆

Amidst the open-curtained set change, a minor fuss was raised as a mystery band-man crept into the 1st floor sound booth disguised in beanie and sunglasses in order to view the final performance. “Haha. It’s MUCC. One-two-haha” came the familiar vocalist’s tease from offstage, hindering the sound check as a cacophony of shrieks rang out. Other stars added their voices, raising cries upon recognition. Finally, a blackout brought cheers from all around.


Shouts accompanied the banner dropped to complete the setting before MUCC finally took their places upon the thread-bare stage. Vocalist Tatsuro stopped hearts as he entered wearing an open, traditionally decorated robe over plain black, the vibrant blue swirling with oriental designs and trimmed in red. Before the gasps of appreciation silenced, FALLING DOWN kicked off smartly. “Let’s heat things up,” Tatsuro suggested, dancing about and trampling the hem of his robe but miraculously keeping his footing. Meanwhile, the crowd jumped fiercely, vibrations battering the body as guitarist Miya and bassist YUKKE stepped up to the stage front, fingers in motion. Tatsuro’s wholesome scream echoed the sensation, driving the number to a powerful end. “You having fun?” he drawled before growling the last “FALLING DOWN!” Zeroshiki then broke it down, the crowd raising a massive, unified voice. Miya took to bending right down to the ground as if playing under the weight of the music. He met Tatsuro at centre stage for a duet with the theremin toting vocalist, the two fondling each others’ instruments to wrap it up. A deep bow brought the piece to a close.

Raising a cheer from the crowd, Chemical Parade Blueday moved straight on, floor shaking violently with the full force of MUCC’s musicianship. As SATOchi clapped along behind his kit, Tatsuro broke into a creepy giggle mid-verse, the crowd cheering in response. Winding up his out-going duet with YUKKE at centre stage, Miya jumped on the final chord. In the following absence of guitar and bass, additional vibrato via the effect laid over Tatsuro’s mic just sounded cool. The vocalist snapped his loose robe up, hiding his face with the last lyric. Six miniature digital disco balls shone out through the introduction of I am Computer. Beyond the vocal entry, Miya’s guitar came in strong under the digital music, then blending with the constant theme as Tatsuro’s voice echoed strangely before he affected a slow backstroke during the evolving verse. Shifting illumination kept the band primarily in the dark, YUKKE barely visible diving over his bass in the instrumental as Tatsuro bent into the title lyric. After holding back so long, Miya and YUKKE let loose, moshing about behind a stationary Tatsuro with musical springs under their feet.

Guitars ripped in with Howling, Tatsuro visiting SATOchi’s platform and jumping down for an exciting start. Running and jumping about chaotically, the three mobile members somehow filled the vast, open stage, Tatsuro’s arms flinging about in gesture as he sang, Miya and YUKKE singing in chorus with gusto. “You guys wanna jump, right?” Tatsuro taunted, lights up throughout the venue as he surveyed the crowd. “Three-two-one, GO!” Jump they did, the musicians complimenting the movement with a rash of headbanging. Tatsuro spread his arms wide and the crowd stepped in, voices ringing out splendidly in the huge hall. He capped the number with a roar, dragging a hand with fingers making the rocker sign down his face and body. “Ready for the last one? Can you take it? There’s nothing to hold back for!” Swaying like a snake as he crouched, Tatsuro leaped to his feet, Ranchuu taking off with a yell from the crowd. Miya and YUKKE were all over the place and so were the fans, moshing, diving and headbanging in turn. “Hey everybody! Hey boys and girls! Now you all sit down, Shibuya!” he cried in English, rephrasing in Japanese for those who didn’t quite get it. "On my count, will you jump? Will you? Wanna jump? Three, two, one, JUMP!” he roared. Not a foot touched the ground for one long moment before all came down with a thud. Propelled both by the moment and the wicked rhythm, everyone continued jumping into an all out visual mosh. Miya smacked his guitar down while YUKKE carried his bass over the shoulder, vocalist bowing low. “That was MUCC!” Tatsuro called unnecessarily as surely none of the crowd could ever forget.

Set List
2. Zeroshiki
3. Chemical Parade Blueday
4. I am Computer
5. Howling
6. Ranchuu
