
Moi dix Mois - Dix infernal - Scars of sabbath -

17/01/2005 2005-01-17 12:00:00 JaME Author: Chenka

Moi dix Mois - Dix infernal - Scars of sabbath -

Review of Moi dix Mois' first DVD.

Concert DVD

Dix infernal ~Scars of sabbath ~

Moi dix Mois

This DVD contains footage of Moi dix Mois' live, on September 27th, 2003, at Shibuya-AX. Moi dix Mois plays all songs of their album Dix Infernal, including some songs we don't find on CD's or singles. It would be useless reviewing the songs from their Dix Infernal album, since they sound pretty much the same live (only way more impressing live).

Moi dix Mois has a great vocalist who knows how to sing live, very impressive! Hearing Juka sing on cd is one thing, hearing him sing live is amazing!

One of the 'unknown' songs being Spiral, the ninth song played, is Kazuno's moment of fame. This song exists mostly of a beautiful strong bassline, though it can't be considered a real song. Still, an awesome moment for all fans of this superb bassist.

Another of those songs is Pagent, an extremely bouncy song (something Kazuno shows off by jumping up and down throughout the whole song). Hearing the rest of the live, in which the members are often headbanging, makes you go all bouncy when you hear Pagent. You'd expect this song at the carnival sooner than in a live that appears to be rather heavy metal (though you wouldn't be able to tell from their cd's).

After Pagent, the fifteenth song, the members go off-stage. The public starts screaming for them. After a few moments, the members come back on-stage, dressed in all white, mainly putting the white clothes on top of the black ones they wore earlier. Mana has also changed guitars, he's now playing a beautiful white guitar with 'blood spatters' all over it. They start playing Perish, a song that, when hearing the first notes, you'd expect in a James Bond movie. This song also has beautiful basslines.

After Perish, they play Vizard, a song that reminded me of Cradle of Filth right away, but that is just me (after hearing it a couple of times, it doesn't sound anything like what it sounded like when you heard it the first time).

There's also extra features on this dvd. Two of them being 'memoirs' from other lives, and one being an 'off shot'. The off shot was really interesting to watch. First, you got to see Mana in front of the concertbuilding. Then, you got shots of some Kazuno cosplayers, some Juka cosplayers and thousands of Mana cosplayers. You also got some shots of the members checking the stage and such.

Overall, I think this live is awesome! Though I need to admit, I'd expect more 'interactiveness'.
So, if you want to see more than just a band playing music, if you want to see more action, then don't watch this live. However, if you finally want to know what good vocals sound like live, watch it! Juka seriously impressed me! And Kazuno too, by the way, with his awesome song Spiral =)
Something that seriously disappointed me was the fact you barely got to see their (back then) support drummer, Tohru. But I guess that's the fate of drummers.. heh.

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Moi dix Mois